Sweet Pickled Onions

Red Onions Sugar Red Wine Vinegar

*wild onions or shallots can also be used

For this recipe you can use whatever jars you have. This is such a quick simple method, that you’ll always have a jar on hand in the fridge. Typically each of my batches comes from leftover onions, which is also what gets added to the jar every time I have them. Onions are one of those veggies that you want to use all at once, or somehow preserve whats left. Onions will detoxify, and that includes the air around them. So the same thing happens in the fridge, it will pull in all the smells, scents, or even germs and bacteria. Keep this in mind next time you’re at that public salad bar, as much as I love onions and eat them almost daily, I avoid them at all costs when they have been sitting out for an extended period of time.

Like I said, I add as I go to my jar. But to start you just put in the onions you have left, cut or whole slices, and sprinkle a pinch of sugar over them, if you’re filling a full pint, you’d use about a tablespoon of sugar overall. Cover the onions completely with red wine vinegar, and pop it in the fridge. They are ready to use that day, which I’ve done for slaws and such, or they’ll keep in the fridge until you’re ready to use them. The vinegar preserves them essentially forever, and the sugar adds a nice sweetness to that sour bite. These are perfect for a spinach salad, or a gyro pizza! Give them a little shake every once in a while, and enjoy!!