For better or worse…..
Banned from social media again, and it’s no surprise that for many of us, this is the norm. If you’re outspoken, truth driven, and information seeking, you’ve more than likely already experienced the scrutiny of modern day society, one based solely on feelings over facts. Who knew this is the direction we would go?
Homesteading in the very basic sense of the word, is anarchy. Freedom from the regulations and stipulations of governance, to choose a lifestyle fitting for your family that you deem worthy. Government found a clever way to print it’s own money, and then charge you to use it for everyday transactions. Making everything we built so far out of reach, it’s all regulated by the very people selling us the illusion of freedom. We can’t even teach eachother now without Uncle Sam knocking on your door wondering where his cut is. Sustainable living is almost a thing of the past with the mountains of loops they want you to jump through just to provide for oneself and family.
There are many self governing lifestyles that encapsulate the morals and living examples of true sovereignty. Homesteading is just one avenue of freedom, and regardless of what you think you’re politically choosing, if you do ANYTHING in life without asking for permission or without paying tax, you are in fact going against the grain, a free being. Sometimes even making ‘black market’ transactions, like giving your neighbor tomatoes or eggs in exchange for a haircut or labor the good ole fashioned way, just as it should be.
Currently, instead of leading by example as a commUNITY, we demand individuality in a very toxic way. We no longer encourage that working together is much more beneficial than veering off the course of success and prosperity in this short time we have on Earth.
“Whatever makes you happy.”
It’s almost become a trend. Something to say for dismissive comfort to totally contradict the focus of criticism………but is it how we should be living?
I can think of a dozen things off hand that people like to do that are in no way positive and healthy. Yet, they get stuck in stagnant negative cycles, that can affect overall lifestyle productivity, and we say ‘as long as you’re doing what makes you happy that’s all that matters’. It has become a part of the ‘acceptance’ culture we live in, which is naturally a reaction to the also cancel culture that we live in. Everything finds balance in the universe, nothing can thrive by force. So as it would be, things backfire.
Perhaps we should focus on what makes us better people, instead of always doing what we want in the moment. It’s all temporary euphoria anyways if you’re not really investing in the future. Work and play require balance, and so does self investment. There is a difference between ‘going to work’ everyday, and self growth through inner dedication. So don’t just love what makes you happy, love what makes you better. Dont follow what’s trending or popular, follow what challenges you, and inspires you. Surround yourself with exactly what you need to keep yourself in check. Do not support the censorship of others, especially if you want your views and opinions also valued. Our future deserves better. Happy Homesteading, and as always…