To Everything….Turn, Turn, Turn.
Just as the words suggest, everything has a time. Seasons change, and so do we. We change individually, we change as a collective, and we change as a part of what will become history. Although it’s super important to learn from your past, and make goals for your future, it is absolutely necessary to live in the present.
Call it what you will, we are living in revolutionary times. These current events will shape the outcome of everything we know, all of our expectations for our children, and future generations. Life truly is what you make it, so I urge all of you to stay positive, set manageable goals, and do not allow any struggle to define you. Remain balanced, not allowing yourself or your energy to be pulled in either direction. If you already live a sustainable lifestyle, then consider yourself an anarchist in that manner. The more you apply that system of living, the more free you become. To provide for oneself utilizing earth and awareness is one of the most priceless and rewarding experiences.
We’ve come a long way from the days of having no choice but to live a frugal, or at times even a poverty stricken lifestyle, but have we come too far to forget what we are capable of as a civilization? Humans are reliable on the wrong resources, and it’s leading our country and our planet into the dark abyss of the unknown. If we can learn to trust ourselves and eachother, we can once more gain a real sense of commUNITY. Where we love one another, instead of highlight our differences. When we can live in the moment instead of through technology. Where we can discipline and criticize eachother without any backlash. When we can build up instead of tear down. Give instead of take, share when we have enough, open our hearts to less judgement, and plant the seeds of change. With a lot more hugs, and a lot less hate.
Peace. Love. Anarchy.